

Smothered Tomatoes Recipe

Yields1 Serving

 2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced
 1 green onion, sliced
 2 tomatoes, chopped
 1 - 1 1/2 cups Jimmy's Sweet and Sour Dressing or Jimmy's Coleslaw Dressing
 salt & pepper to taste


Combine cucumbers, onions and tomatoes in a bowl. Add Jimmy's Cole Slaw Dressing or Jimmy's Sweet & Sour Dressing and lightly toss until coated. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve or refrigerate.


 2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced
 1 green onion, sliced
 2 tomatoes, chopped
 1 - 1 1/2 cups Jimmy's Sweet and Sour Dressing or Jimmy's Coleslaw Dressing
 salt & pepper to taste



Combine cucumbers, onions and tomatoes in a bowl. Add Jimmy's Cole Slaw Dressing or Jimmy's Sweet & Sour Dressing and lightly toss until coated. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve or refrigerate.

Smothered Tomatoes

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